float | ksepi_excthickness = 0 |
float | ksepi_gscalerfexc = 0.9 with {0.1, 3.0, 0.9, VIS, "Excitation slice thk scaling (< 1.0 thicker slice)",} |
int | ksepi_slicecheck = 0 with {0, 1, 0, VIS, "move readout to z axis for slice thickness test",} |
float | ksepi_spoilerarea = 3000.0 with {0.0, 10000.0, 3000.0, VIS, "ksepi ksepi.spoiler gradient area",} |
int | ksepi_rfspoiling = 1 with {0, 1, 1, VIS, "Enable RF spoiling 1:on 0:off",} |
int | ksepi_fse90 = 0 with {0, 1, 0, VIS, "Use FSE90 instead of SPSP for non-fatsat",} |
float | ksepi_kissoff_factor = 0.04 with {0, 1, 0.04, VIS, "Slice oversampling fraction on each side (3D)",} |
float | ksepi_rfstretch_exc = 1.0 with {0.1,10.0, 1.0, VIS, "RF excitation stretch factor"} |
int | ksepi_fastexc3D = TRUE with {FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, VIS, "Sel. RF exc (3D) 0:EXC_SPSP_3D 1:EXC_FAST_SPSP_3D",} |
float | ksepi_crusher_dephasing = 6.0 with { 0.0, 100.0, 6.0, VIS, "crusher dephasing over slice [cycles]",} |
float | ksepi_gscalerfref = 0.9 with {0.1, 3.0, 0.9, VIS, "Refocusing slice thk scaling (< 1.0 thicker slice)",} |
float | ksepi_rfstretch_ref = 1.0 with {0.1,10.0, 1.0, VIS, "RF refocusing stretch factor",} |
int | ksepi_bridgecrushers = FALSE with {FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, VIS, "Bridge RF ref crushers",} |
int | ksepi_t1value_to_null = T1_FAT_3T with {0, 5s, T1_FAT_3T, VIS, "T1 value to NULL [us]",} |
int | ksepi_rampsampling = 1 with {0, 1, 1, VIS, "Rampsampling [0:OFF 1:ON]",} |
int | ksepi_readlobegap = 0 with {0, 10ms, 0, VIS, "extra gap between readout lobes [us]",} |
int | ksepi_echogap = 0 with {0, 100ms, 0, VIS, "extra gap between EPI echoes [us]",} |
int | ksepi_readsign = 1 with { -1, 1, 1, VIS, "Readout polarity: +1/-1",} |
float | ksepi_readampmax = 3.0 with {0.0, 5.0, 3.0, VIS, "Max grad amp for EPI readout lobes",} |
float | ksepi_sr = 0.01 with {0.0, , 0.01, VIS, "EPI SR: amp/ramp [(G/cm) / us]",} |
int | ksepi_esp = 0 with {0, 1000000, 0, VIS, "View-only: Echo spacing in [us]",} |
int | ksepi_blipsign = KS_EPI_POSBLIPS with {KS_EPI_NEGBLIPS, KS_EPI_POSBLIPS, KS_EPI_POSBLIPS, VIS, "Blip polarity: +1/-1",} |
int | ksepi_echotime_shifting = 1 with {0, 1, 1, VIS, "Enable echo time shifting for multi shot",} |
int | ksepi_kynover = 24 with {KSEPI_MINHNOVER, 512, 24, VIS, "#extralines for MinTE",} |
int | ksepi_kznover = 0 with {0, 512, 0, VIS, "#extralines in kz",} |
int | ksepi_kz_nacslines = 8 with {0, 64, 8, VIS, "#acslines in kz",} |
int | ksepi_caipi = 0 with {0, 512, 0, VIS, "CAIPIRINHA shift (affects 3D epi only. Set 0 for no CAIPI)",} |
int | ksepi_readout_mode = KS_EPI_BIPOLAR with {KS_EPI_BIPOLAR, KS_EPI_FLYBACK, KS_EPI_BIPOLAR, VIS, "EPI readout mode 0: bipolar 1:splitoddeven 2:flyback",} |
int | ksepi_fcy = 1 with {0, 1, 0, VIS, "Flowcomp Y when opfcomp"} |
int | ksepi_fcz = 1 with {0, 1, 0, VIS, "Flowcomp Z when opfcomp"} |
int | ksepi_fleet = 0 with {0, 1, 0, VIS, "FLEET calibration volume [0:OFF 1:ON]",} |
int | ksepi_echotime_shifting_fleet = 1 with {0, 1, 1, VIS, "Enable echo time shifting for multi shot FLEET",} |
float | ksepi_fleet_flip = 5.0 with {1.0, 90.0, 5.0, VIS, "FLEET flip angle [deg]",} |
int | ksepi_fleet_dda = 3 with {1, 200, 3, VIS, "Dummies for FLEET module",} |
int | ksepi_fleet_num_ky = 48 with {32, 256, 48, VIS, "Number of ky encodes for FLEET module",} |
int | ksepi_fleet_readout_mode = KS_EPI_SPLITODDEVEN with {KS_EPI_BIPOLAR, KS_EPI_FLYBACK, KS_EPI_SPLITODDEVEN, VIS, "FLEET EPI readout mode 0: bipolar 1:splitoddeven 2:flyback",} |
int | ksepi_fleet_nshots = 3 with {1, 128, 3, VIS, "# shots for FLEET",} |
int | ksepi_reflines = 0 with {0, 96, 0, VIS, "Number of phase reference lines per shot",} |
int | ksepi_swi_returnmode = 0 with {0, 7, 0, VIS, "SWI recon 0:Off 1:Acq 2:SWI 4:SWIphase",} |
int | ksepi_pos_start = KS_RFSSP_PRETIME with {0, , KS_RFSSP_PRETIME, INVIS, "us from start until the first waveform begins",} |
int | ksepi_ssi_time = KSEPI_DEFAULT_SSI_TIME with {32, , KSEPI_DEFAULT_SSI_TIME, VIS, "time from eos to ssi in intern trig",} |
int | ksepi_dda = 1 with {1, 200, 1, VIS, "Number of dummy scans for steady state",} |
int | ksepi_debug = 1 with {0, 100, 1, VIS, "Write out e.g. plot files (unless scan on HW)"} |
int | ksepi_imsize = KS_IMSIZE_POW2 with {KS_IMSIZE_NATIVE, KS_IMSIZE_MIN256, KS_IMSIZE_POW2, VIS, "img. upsamp. [0:native 1:pow2 2:min256]"} |
int | ksepi_abort_on_kserror = FALSE with {0, 1, 0, VIS, "Hard program abort on ks_error [0:OFF 1:ON]",} |
int | ksepi_ref_nsegments = 1 with {1, 512, 1, VIS, "Number of kz segments in reference volume",} |
float | ksepi_epiqfact = 1.0 with {1.0, 10.0, 1.0, VIS, "Quietness factor for the EPI readout only",} |
int | ksepi_recvgain_mode = RG_CAL_MODE_HIGH_FIXED with {RG_CAL_MODE_MIN, RG_CAL_MODE_MAX, RG_CAL_MODE_HIGH_FIXED, VIS, "RecvGain - 0:Measured 1:8 2:5 3:Max",} |
int | ksepi_metadump = 0 |
int | ksepi_interechotime = 0 |
float | ksepi_echotime_shifting_shotdelay = 0.0 |
float | ksepi_echotime_shifting_shotdelay_fleet = 0.0 |
int | ksepi_echotime_shifting_sumdelay = 0 |
int | ksepi_echotime_shifting_sumdelay_fleet = 0 |
int | sequence_iopts [] |
int | rfspoiling_phase_counter = 0 |