#include <ksinversion.h>
Design for the standard inversion module
◆ description
◆ invdesign
Design related to slice inversion
◆ slice_gap
gap between 2D slices (usually = opslspace)
◆ gscale_policy
Design policy on how much wider the inversion slice should be
◆ spoiler_area
area of sequence spoiler [us*G/cm]
◆ spoileraxes
bit mask for which axes spoiler should be played using XGRAD, YGRAD, ZGRAD
◆ inversion_pulse_shift
int inversion_pulse_shift |
additional shift in us for inversion pulse, can be helpful to accomodate annother slice in a flair block
◆ ssi_time
SSI time for the inversion module (not that effective when multiple )
The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: