| abstract ("FSE [KSFoundation]") |
| psdname ("ksfse") |
void | ksfse_eval_TEmenu (int esp, int maxte, int etl, double optechono) |
STATUS | ksfse_calc_echo (double *bestecho, double *optecho, KS_PHASER *pe, int TE, int etl, int esp) |
STATUS | ksfse_pg (int start_time) |
KS_CORESLICETIME | ksfse_scan_coreslice (const SCAN_INFO *slice_pos, KS_DYNAMIC_STATE *dynamic) |
KS_CORESLICETIME | ksfse_scan_coreslicegroup (const SCAN_INFO *slice_pos, KS_DYNAMIC_STATE *dynamic) |
KS_CORESLICETIME | ksfse_scan_irslice (const SCAN_INFO *slice_pos, KS_DYNAMIC_STATE *dynamic) |
s64 | ksfse_scan_scanloop () |
STATUS | ksfse_scan_seqstate (SCAN_INFO slice_pos, KS_PHASEENCODING_SHOTCOORDS shot_coords) |
const KSSCAN_LOOP_CONTROL * | ksfse_get_loop_ctrl () |
void | ksfse_init_imagingoptions (void) |
STATUS | ksfse_init_UI (void) |
STATUS | ksfse_eval_UI () |
int | ksfse_eval_esp (int *min90_180, int *min180_echo, int slicecheck, KSFSE_SEQUENCE *seq) |
int | ksfse_eval_optimalkxnover (KSFSE_SEQUENCE *seq) |
float | ksfse_eval_rfstretchfactor (float patientweight, float flipangle, int tailoredrf_flag) |
STATUS | ksfse_eval_setuprfpulses_2D (KSFSE_SEQUENCE *seq, float crusher_dephasing) |
STATUS | ksfse_eval_setuprfpulses_3D (KSFSE_SEQUENCE *seq) |
STATUS | ksfse_eval_setuprfpulses_recovery (KSFSE_SEQUENCE *seq) |
int | ksfse_eval_ssitime () |
STATUS | ksfse_eval_setupobjects () |
STATUS | ksfse_eval_TErange () |
void | ksfse_set_kspace_design (KS_KSPACE_DESIGN *kdesign) |
void | ksfse_set_slicetiming_design (KS_SLICETIMING_DESIGN *slicetiming_design) |
STATUS | ksfse_set_loop_control_design (KSSCAN_LOOP_CONTROL_DESIGN *loop_design) |
STATUS | ksfse_set_inversion_loop_control_design (KSINV_LOOP_CONTROL_DESIGN *invloopctrl_design) |
STATUS | ksfse_eval_inversion (KS_SEQ_COLLECTION *seqcollection) |
STATUS | ksfse_eval_sat (KS_SEQ_COLLECTION *seqcollection) |
STATUS | ksfse_gradheat_play (const INT max_encode_mode, int nargs, void **args) |
STATUS | ksfse_eval_loops (KS_SEQ_COLLECTION *seqcollection) |
STATUS | ksfse_eval_scantime (KS_SEQ_COLLECTION *seqcollection) |
STATUS | ksfse_update_UI () |
STATUS | ksfse_predownload_plot (KS_SEQ_COLLECTION *seqcollection) |
STATUS | ksfse_predownload_setrecon () |
void | ksfse_scan_rf_off () |
void | ksfse_scan_rf_on () |
STATUS | ksfse_scan_init (void) |
void | ksfse_scan_prescanloop (int nloops, int dda) |
float | ksfse_excthickness = 0 |
float | ksfse_gscalerfexc = 0.9 |
float | ksfse_flipexc = 90.0 with {0.0, 180.0, 90.0, VIS, "Excitation flip angle [deg]",} |
float | ksfse_spoilerarea = 2000.0 with {0.0, 20000.0, 5000.0, VIS, "ksfse spoiler gradient area",} |
float | rf_stretch_rfexc = 1.0 with {0.01, 100.0, 1.0, VIS, "Stretch RF excitation pulse if > 1.0",} |
int | ksfse_inflowsuppression = 0 with {0, 1, 0, VIS, "In-flow Suppression [0:OFF, 1:ON]",} |
float | ksfse_inflowsuppression_mm = 0.0 with {0.0, 100.0, 0.0, VIS, "In-flow suppression [mm]",} |
int | ksfse_vfa = 1 with {0, 1, 1, VIS, "Variable flip angles [0:OFF, 1:ON]",} |
float | ksfse_crusher_dephasing = 6.0 with {0.0, 100.0, 6.0, VIS, "scaling of crusher gradient area [cycles]",} |
float | ksfse_gscalerfref = 0.9 |
int | ksfse_slicecheck = 0 with {0, 1, 0, VIS, "move readout to z axis for slice thickness test",} |
float | rf_stretch_rfref = 1.0 with {0.01, 100.0, 1.0, VIS, "Stretch RF refocusing pulses if > 1.0",} |
float | rf_stretch_all = 1.0 with {0.01, 100.0, 1.0, VIS, "Stretch all RF pulses if > 1.0",} |
int | ksfse_recovery = KSFSE_RECOVERY_OFF with {KSFSE_RECOVERY_OFF, KSFSE_RECOVERY_FAST, KSFSE_RECOVERY_OFF, VIS, "Recovery. 0:off 1:T1wopt 2:T2fast", } |
float | rf_stretch_rfrecovery = 1.0 with {0.01, 100.0, 1.0, VIS, "Stretch RF recovery pulses if > 1.0",} |
int | ksfse_kxnover_min = KSFSE_MINHNOVER with {KSFSE_MINHNOVER, 512, KSFSE_MINHNOVER, VIS, "Min mum kx overscans for minTE",} |
int | ksfse_kxnover = 32 with {KSFSE_MINHNOVER, 512, 32, VIS, "Num kx overscans for minTE",} |
int | ksfse_rampsampling = 0 with {0, 1, 0, VIS, "Rampsampling [0:OFF 1:ON]",} |
int | ksfse_extragap = 0 with {0, 100ms, 0, VIS, "extra gap between readout [us]",} |
int | ksfse_etlte = 1 with {0, 1, 1, VIS, "ETL controls TE",} |
float | ksfse_xcrusherarea = 100.0 with {0.0, 1000.0, 100.0, VIS, "x crusher area for readout",} |
int | ksfse_esp = 0 with {0, 1000000, 0, VIS, "View-only: Echo spacing in [us]",} |
int | ksfse_noph = 0 with {0, 1, 0, VIS, "Turn OFF phase encoding [0:Disabled 1:Enabled]",} |
int | ksfse_minacslines = 12 with {0, 512, 12, VIS, "Minimum ACS lines for ARC",} |
int | ksfse_minzacslines = 12 with {0, 512, 12, VIS, "Minimum z ACS lines for ARC",} |
int | ksfse_pos_start = KS_RFSSP_PRETIME with {0, , KS_RFSSP_PRETIME, VIS, "us from start until the first waveform begins",} |
int | ksfse_ssi_time = KSFSE_MIN_SSI_TIME with {50, , KSFSE_MIN_SSI_TIME, VIS, "time from eos to ssi in intern trig",} |
int | ksfse_dda = 2 with {0, 200, 2, VIS, "Number of dummy scans for steady state",} |
int | ksfse_debug = 1 with {0, 100, 1, VIS, "Write out e.g. plot files (unless scan on HW)",} |
int | ksfse_imsize = KS_IMSIZE_NATIVE with {KS_IMSIZE_NATIVE, KS_IMSIZE_MIN256, KS_IMSIZE_MIN256, VIS, "img. upsamp. [0:native 1:pow2 2:min256]"} |
int | ksfse_abort_on_kserror = FALSE with {0, 1, 0, VIS, "Hard program abort on ks_error [0:OFF 1:ON]",} |
int | ksfse_mintr = 0 with {0, 20s, 0, VIS, "Min TR (ms) [0: Disabled]",} |
int | ksfse_maxtr = 0 with {0, 40s, 0, VIS, "Max TR (ms) [0: Disabled]",} |
int | sequence_iopts [] |