EPIC programming using KS Foundation

17-21 March 2025

@ Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden

This five-day course/workshop will cover the basics of EPIC programming using KS Foundation, but mostly focus on the new available features.

The course has room for 20 attendees and is free of charge.

The course program is found below

The Google Drive course folder is here

KSF EPIC 2025 course program

Monday - March 17

Mon 08:30-09:30 Welcome & Computer VM checks

Mon 09:30-10:30 (Standard) EPIC crash course (Stefan)

Mon 10:30-10:45 BREAK

Mon 10:45-11:45 Exercise 1a - A minimal PSD UI change
                               Exercise 1b - Enforce parameters in range

Mon 11:45-12:45 LUNCH

Mon 12:45-13:45 KSFoundation EPIC overview (Stefan)

Mon 13:45-14:45 Exercise 2 - User CVs for RF choice

Mon 14:45-15:00 BREAK

Mon 15:00-16:30 Debugging in VSCode & Pulseview (Tim)

Mon 16:30-18:00 Exercise 3 - Flow comp in the readout direction (XGRAD)

Tuesday - March 18

Tue 08:30-09:30 RF Pulses in KSFoundation (Ola)

Tue 09:30-09:45 BREAK

Tue 09:45-11:45 Exercise 4 - Make a Spin-Echo sequence

Tue 11:45-12:45 LUNCH

Tue 12:45-13:45 Classic scan looping and sequence modules (Adam)

Tue 13:45-14:45 Hardware limits in KSFoundation (Enrico)

Tue 14:45-15:00 BREAK

Tue 15:00-18:00 In parallel:

                              - Exercise 5 - Add a simple inversion prep pulse

                              - Run your PSD on the MR scanner

3T MR scanner is available 13:00-17:00

Wednesday - March 19

Wed 08:30-09:30 The loop control ( Adam)

Wed 09:30-09:45 BREAK

Wed 09:45-10:30 ksgre_tutorial vs ksgre (Enrico)

Wed 10:30-11:15 ksfse (Ola)

Wed 12:00-13:00 LUNCH

Wed 13:00-14:00 KS_KCOORDS and KS_PHASEENCODING_PLAN (Henric)

Wed 14:00-15:30 Exercise 6 - Make your own phase encoding plan (Henric)

Wed 17:30            Dinner at Aifur.se, then walking around Old Town

Thursday - March 20

Thu 08:30-09:30 ksepi with custom metadata (Stefan)

Thu 09:30-10:00 EPI (Matlab) image reconstruction (Stefan)

Thu 10:00-10:15 BREAK

Thu 10:15-11:00 Changing waveforms in scan (Adam)

Thu 11:00-12:00 Exercise 7- Modifying a theta wave during the scan (Adam)

Thu 12:00-13:00 LUNCH

Thu 14:00-17:00 Course project

3T MR scanner might be available 14:00-17:00

Thu 18:30- Course dinner by GE Healthcare

Friday - March 21

Fri 08:30-12:00 Course project continued

Fri 12:00-13:00 Lunch

Fri 13:00-16:00 Course project continued

3T MR scanner is available 13:00-17:00