C_grad_heat_handle | |
C_grad_list | |
C_phaseencoding_coord_pool_s | |
CIndices | |
CKS_BASE | (Internal use) Structure being a part of various sequence object to keep count of instances on HOST and TGT
CKS_CORESLICETIME | Duration and RF center (for excitation or inversion as applicable) of a coreslice/irslice function (having one or more sequence modules).
KS_CORESLICETIME is the return type of each sequence's coreslice. It is used for content-agnostic inversion timing |
Cks_crusher_constraints | |
CKS_DYNAMIC_STATE | Data to be extracted during the looping structure of the psd
CKS_ECHOTRAIN | A collection of readout controls that define an echotrain
CKS_ECHOTRAIN_READOUT_TIMING | Save key timepoints of the readout, used by ks_pg_echotrain_readout as output
CKS_EPI | Composite sequence object for EPI readout
CKS_GRADRFCTRL | typedef struct that is a part of the KS_SEQ_CONTROL typedef struct , used internally to collect gradient & RF usage for heating and SAR calcs. Should not be used directly.
CKS_ISIROT | Struct for in-sequence rotations using ISI vector interupts
Cks_kacq_coord_params_t | |
CKS_KACQ_RECONSHEDULE_ENTRY | An entry into the table that is written into the k_acq file when using GE's arc reconstruction
CKS_KSPACE_DESIGN | Input design for how to set up data acquistion (FOV, matrix size, parallel imaging, rBW etc)
This struct is used by e.g. ks_eval_design_readtrap(), ksepi_eval_kdesign2epitrain(), ksfse_eval_numlines2acq() and is a part of all sequence generator's design structs (KSEPI_MODULE->KSEPI_DESIGN, KSFSE_MODULE->KSFSE_DESIGN, KSGRE_MODULE->KSGRE_DESIGN) |
CKS_PHASEENCODING_COORD | Struct holding a 3D k-space phase encoding location (ky,kz)
CKS_PHASEENCODING_PLAN_DESIGN | Design struct for the generation of a phase encoding plan
CKS_PHASER | Composite sequence object for phase encoding using a trapezoid gradient
Cks_rampparams_s | |
CKS_READ | Core sequence object that handles a data acquisition window
CKS_READ_RESAMPLER | An internal input parameter structure for writing out a resampling file
CKS_READCONTROL | Wraps pulsegen information and state of each readout in an echotrain
CKS_READCONTROL_PULSEGEN | Stores information used to pulsegen an array of readouts (KS_REATRAP/KS_READWAVE)
CKS_READCONTROL_STATE | Stores information used to adapt an array of readouts (KS_REATRAP/KS_READWAVE) during the scan
CKS_READTRAP | Composite sequence object for data readout using a trapezoid gradient
CKS_READWAVE | Composite sequence object for data readout during a wave (1-D resampling)
CKS_RF | Composite sequence object for RF (with optional OMEGA & THETA pulses)
CKS_RT_SCALE_LOG | Log of real-time scaling amplitudes |
CKS_SELRF | Composite sequence object for slice-selective RF
CKS_SELRF_DESIGN | Input design to create a slice selective RF pulse. Should be a part of a sequence struct and set up by a main sequence (*.e) before eval
This struct is used by ks_eval_design_selrfexc(), ks_eval_design_selrfref(), ks_eval_design_selrfinv() to set up RF pulses |
CKS_SEQ_COLLECTION | Collection handle of all sequence modules involved in the pulse sequence, used for RF scaling, TR timing and SAR calculations
CKS_SEQ_HANDLE | Internal typedef struct that is a part of the KS_SEQ_CONTROL typedef struct . Should not be used directly
CKS_SEQLOC | typedef struct used as argument to ks_pg_*** functions to control where and when to place a sequence object (e.g. KS_TRAP)
CKS_SLICE_PLAN | Struct holding all information about slice locations and aquisition order
CKS_SLICETIMING | Struct holding the 'consequence' variables such as slice plan and TR. These fields should not be set manually, use ksscan_slicetiming_eval_design() instead.
CKS_SLICETIMING_DESIGN | Struct for desired slice timing and slice location behavior. To be filled in by a parent sequence before calling ksscan_slicetiming_eval_design()
CKS_SMS_INFO | Internal typedef struct that is a part of the KS_SELRF typedef struct , used to store information about the pulses SMS properties.
CKS_TRAP | Core sequence object for making trapezoids on X,Y,Z, and OMEGA boards
CKS_WAIT | Core sequence object that adds wait periods in the pulse sequence (see ks_eval_wait(), ks_pg_wait()). Can be placed on any sequence board
CKS_WAVE | Core sequence object making arbitrary waveforms on any board (using float data format)
CKS_WFINSTANCE | (Internal use) Structure being a part of various sequence objects to sort them in time across boards
CKSCHEMSAT_DESIGN | typedef struct holding steering parameters for a chemical sat module
CKSCHEMSAT_MODULE | typedef struct holding all information about a chemical sat module incl. all gradients and waveforms
Ckscommon_wave_params | |
CKSDIFF_CONTROL | Control structure for performing diffusion weighting
CKSDIFF_CONTROL_DESIGN | Design of a control structure for performing diffusion weighting
CKSDIXON_DESIGN | Dixon settings
CKSDIXON_DUALREADTRAP | Struct related to dual bandwidth readouts.
Contains the support points as well as the shifts and partial Fourier from the dbw optimization |
CKSDIXON_READTRAP | Readtrap support points. Used to generate a readwave with ks_eval_coords2wave()
CKSEPG_RELAXATION | Relaxation operator
CKSEPG_STATE | Extended phase graph state
CKSEPG_TRAPS_DESIGN | Design Parameters for TRAPS
CKSEPI_FLEET_SEQUENCE | FLEET EPI sequence module, used for GRAPPA calibration with 2D imaging
CKSEPI_SEQUENCE | typedef struct holding all all gradients and waveforms for the KSEPI_SEQUENCE
CKSFSE_SEQUENCE | typedef struct holding all all gradients and waveforms for the ksfse sequence
CKSGRE_SEQUENCE | typedef struct holding all all gradients and waveforms for the ksgre sequence
CKSINV_CHAIN | Control a multi-inversion chain
CKSINV_CHAIN_DESIGN | Design for a multi-inversion chain
CKSINV_DESIGN | Design for the standard inversion module
CKSINV_LOOP_CONTROL | Struct holding resulting information controlling all looping in an inversion scan
CKSINV_MODULE | Standard inversion module
CKSINV_MULTI_INV_VOL | Configuration for a single volume of a multi-inversion chain
CKSMT_DESIGN | typedef struct holding steering parameters for a MT module
CKSMT_MODULE | typedef struct holding all information about a MT module incl. all gradients and waveforms
CKSSAT_MODULE | A module that can provide both spatial and chemical saturation in the same sequence module
CKSSCAN_LOOP_CONTROL | Structure containing all the information to perform a standard scan loop
CKSSPSAT_VOLBORDER | Struct describing the FOV in the logical coordinate system